【同义词辨析】 2019-04-28 勇气fortitude-guts

fortitude: stresses firmness in enduring physical or mental hardships and suffering: a trip that tested their ~.  endure坚强忍耐to put up with something with firm resolution, 如endured years of rejection and neglect忍耐了长期的拒绝忽视)

grits: stresses unyielding resolution and indomitableness in the face of hardship or danger: ~ beyond her years.  indomitable不屈不挠to never accept defeat, never give up,如the indomitable spirit of the Polish people波兰人民不屈不挠的精神)

backbone: emphasizes resoluteness of character and implies either ability to stand firm in the face of opposition or such determination or independence as requires no support from without: held their own as long as they kept their ~.

pluck: implies a willingness to fight or continue against odds: fought on with ~ and courage. (do something against odds做某事困难重重成功可能性很小implies something is impossible or very unlikely to succeed,如some women do manage to achieve business success against odds尽管困难重重,一些女性还是在商场获得成功)

guts: considered by some to be not entirely polite, stresses fortitude and stamina and implies effectiveness and determination in facing and coping with what alarms or repels or discourages: lacked the ~ to pull it off.   (stamina耐力,指长时间做事的能量力量energy or strength to do something for a long time,如it takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon跑马拉松需要耐力)

fortitude坚忍: 强调能坚强地忍耐身体或精神上的艰苦痛苦,grits勇气: 面对艰苦危险时,坚决不屈不挠,backbone脊梁骨骨气: 指面对反对逆境时的坚决独立自主不仰赖他人,pluck勇气: 指愿意同逆境斗争,尽管困难重重很难成功,guts胆量: 可能不太礼貌(gut本意内脏),强调具有直面处理危险恶劣可怕事物的坚忍耐力

记忆方法: 1)首字母FGBPG排列成PFGGB佩服哥哥不<==勇气

        2)勇气的意思是勇敢坚定持久有力mean courage and staying power.